Monday, May 31, 2010

Making “Pita Bread” on fire photography

Pita bread is made by mixing premeasured amounts of flour, salt, water, and yeast. Once kneaded, the dough is fed through an extruder that forms the dough into tennis-ball sized portions. Next, the dough balls are allowed to rest and rise in a process called proofing. The dough balls pass under a series of rollers that press the dough into the desired-sized circles. The flattened dough is then passed under die-cuts that create circular pieces.

Under a round metal, prepare a fire from wood and wait till the metal is very hot (make sure that the fire under the metal is burning all the time).

Place the flattened dough on the metal. Wait 1 minute and flip it. wait one more minute, take the pita bread out.

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