Friday, July 23, 2010

Advertising Photography Design

Work examples by Eden SharoniIMG_5962

By placing eye catching objects around the main object (the Camera in the picture) you can make people enjoy and be aware of the object that you want to bring into their awareness.


Virtually all tangible products require a good picture in order to sell online or through the mail.
The idea is to display a product's best features to their best advantage. 
However, you must create a genuine representation or customers  may be very disappointed.

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Before photographing a product, you should spend time thinking about how you want to present it. 
What kind of emotional response do you want to get from a prospective buyer?
Beyond that, you need to consider the following:

Item's size, texture, and surface material.
Reflective surfaces must be carefully lit.
Do you need to capture small details?
Will any other items be in the photo, such as related products or props ?
What color background is appropriate?